The 4th meeting of the Hellenic TPM Club was organized with great success on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at the premises of MJMAILLIS SA in Inofyta, Viotia. The meeting was attended by representatives of companies such as Coca Cola 3E, Bic Violex, Aluminum of Greece, Unilever, Barilla, Tupperware and others.
This time the subject of the Activity Boards (ABs), and their role in informing and mobilizing the people of production / maintenance, was analyzed. All companies submitted their best practices on issues such as:
• What materials / technologies are recommended for a functional AB
• What kind of information should be posted to the AB
• Which indicators are recommended to be tracked
• How to increase the interaction of ABs with people in production / maintenance
• What their interaction with maintenance software
• Problems encountered in implementing the ABs
During the meeting a tour was conducted at the production sites of MJMAILLIS SA, which are the largest installations in Europe in the field of metal tassel production.
Hellenic TPM Club is a specialized group for business executives who implement Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) to win World Class Manufacturing.
ATLANTIS Engineering, as the initiator of the TPM Club, organizes and coordinates its actions to promote it as a knowledge production area, highlighting good practices and providing information on developments in TPM, Operational Excellence and Maintenance Software.
The TPM Club’s next meeting will develop good practices in the field of Safety and Hygiene.