Research & Development

ATLANTIS Engineering has been investing steadily for fifteen years in research aiming at the exploitation of new technological capabilities and product development. 

ai r&d manufacturing


Predictive Maintenance Platform and Services

Key enablers: AI/ML algorithms, Big Data handling, Cloud Computing


Decision Support System

Key enablers: Rule-based engine, Machine Learning, Risk Assessments, Cost Assessments, Notifications


Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis

Key enablers:  AI/ML algorithms, Big Data handling, Cloud Computing

Predictive Maintenance

Click on the project’s logo for more information.

Data Technologies

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Circular and Sustainable Economy

Click on the project’s logo for more information.


Zero Defect Manufacturing

Click on the project’s logo for more information.

Education and Training

Click on the project’s logo for more information. 


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OCT.2023 - SEP.2026

Project short description

Trusted Data Sharing for Manufacturing Equipment Industry by facilitating a cross-sectorial data space where data can be provided along the complete asset lifecycle.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS Engineering participates as a technology provider and brings its
knowledge in Predictive Maintenance. Specifically, ATLANTIS state-of-the art predictive models will be part of the whole Data Space offering predictive maintenance services (to the potential future stakeholders).

Also, the efforts of engaging and expanding the Data space stakeholders base of SM4RTENANCE as well as directing the actions towards training programs and skill
development for the future workforce are taking place. Furthermore, ATLANTIS participates in a variety of tasks attributed to structuring the Data Space and its operations offering its technical knowledge.

Boost 4.0

JAN. 2018-DEC.2020

Project short description

Big Data Value Spaces for Competitiveness of European Connected Smart Factories 4.0 to retain manufacturing competitiveness.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS is responsible for smart maintenance and services project domain development of the project architecture as well as design and development of the elements related to detection/prediction of assets’ failures, trends analysis and forecasting. Also, the SME collaborated with smart maintenance and service pilots of the project developing services and apps: smart maintenance strategies, risk assessment methods, machine-learning based automatic recommendations, smart maintenance Decision Support System (DSS), synchronization and co-scheduling of maintenance with production activities.



Project short description

The open call of PLATOON, the Predictive Maintenance for Performance Optimization of Energy Assets – PreMets, aims to provide providing an AI-enabled modular and agile cross-pilot solution for the predictive maintenance.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING S.A. develops a modular cross-pilot solution providing actionable insights for AI-enabled Predictive Maintenance (PdM) of energy assets. Advanced AI data driven models will predict failures, generate timely alerts of potentially critical situations and estimate the remaining useful life (RUL) of an asset. Key innovation points: i) Agility aspect, ii) real-time Big Data processing, iii) combination of anomaly detection results with data extracted from CMMS logs to improve quality on datasets for algorithms’ training and accuracy. The benefits include performance optimization, controlling repair costs, reducing unplanned downtime and achieving energy savings.


Project short description

Digital maintenance to be used for suitable and flexible operation of hydro-power plant (HP) enhancing their operational performance and environmental sustainability through cutting-edgeand smart decision-making tools.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING brings its knowledge and extensive experience to the work dedicated to diagnostic and prognostic of AI-based models where the company will develop predictive models to recognize patterns to assess the current state of assets, while achieving fault detection, identification, prediction and remaining useful lifetime (RUL) estimations for components and machinery health of hydro-power plants (HP). Furthermore, fusion mechanisms combining multiple models for greater accuracy will be also built and, in this way, the maintenance and operation managers will be proactively supported in decision making with their everyday tasks in smart and cognitive manufacturing.


OCT. 2017-MAR.2020

Project short description

Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS had several roles in this project: Technical Management of the project, Leader of Integration, Validation and Evaluation methodologies as well as Technical and Business Risk Management. Also, ATLANTIS is in charge for design and the architecture of all Z-Bre4k components. Furthermore, the SME is the Technology Provider responsible for models for predicting machinery failures based on deterioration detection i.e., Predictive Maintenance (PdM) system, the Decision Support System (DSS) development designed to facilitate the adoption of risk-based thinking as well as Failure mode, effects and criticality (FMECA) automated module that shows ways a machinery system could potentially fail.



Project short description

AI-powered solution for product quality management, is delivering a solution for estimating product quality using ensemble of deep learning techniques enhanced with causality features (Q-RUL). This Open Call for Solution is part of the AI4EU – A European
AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS proposed a technical approach using the Remaining Useful Lifetime (RUL) to estimate the predicted time till the occurrence of specific failures modes. In addition, powered root cause analysis will be applied to provide causal inferences and analysis of failures. It will be designed responding not only to “what failure” and “how it occurred” questions, but also to the “why it occurred” question, e.g., due to a mechanical error. Responding to the “why” of a failure, allows the most effective implementation of predictive measures (e.g., improve design of process issues) and therefore the optimal and targeted actions towards improved production quality and reliability.


OCT.2021 – OCT.2023

Project short description

Machine Learning, prediction and detection, predictive maintenance, maintenance manager sub-system, Prediction and Detection sub-system, Alarm and feedback sub-system.

Our Role:

We are leading the task and the efforts to ensure the designing of fusion meta-models for prediction and detection of defects as well as the testing and improvements of the developed software to ensure zero defects. ATLANTIS ENGINEERING will also be responsible for the evaluation of the system on the factory premises, while we are leading all efforts on how to commercialise and exploit the PRECognition results, having the role of Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Manager of the Project.


SEPT. 2021 – AUG. 2022

Project short description

The sub-project of EFPF, the XAI-FS project, designs the explainable AI-based solution and
combines prediction and detection maintenance models within an intelligent fusion engine enhancing the trust of the user to the solution.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING aims at designing and implementing a solution that combines detection and prediction maintenance models within an intelligent fusion engine in order to i) achieve fault prediction/detection and ii) improve the understandability on AI-based predictive maintenance solutions. Cornerstone of the solution is its inherited capacity to provide explainable AI capabilities so that the user understands and controls the process through an interactive interface. Furthermore, we are responsible for raising awareness about the XAI-FS project and pave the way towards exploitation.


SEP. 2018 – MAY 2021

Project short description

Prediction and detection models in combination with sensors for predictive maintenance, Improved risk management and increased useful machine life, optimization of manufacturing

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING is responsible in designing and developing predictive analysis models to ensure strong prediction and detection to achieve zero defect results in combination with risk management models and maintenance strategies. We are also leading the efforts for raising awareness of the project’s results, functioning as the Dissemination and Communication Manager, while we manage the IPR strategy of the project results, assisting the partners in exploiting the resulted products to their best advantages.


NOV. 2009 – SEP. 2013

Project short description

The project develops and deploys a complete set of on site and remote hardware infrastructure accompanied by software tools enabling the maintenance system designer and instrumentation technicians to efficiently schedule and implement the predictive maintenance program.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING defined the requirements and specifications for every level of functionality delivered by the Wel-COM system. Also, their aim was to create a maintenance data model of operational condition from historical condition sensed data, able to map in detail all the proper attributes of machine behavior and equipment condition state. A software system developed to supply maintenance advice, is packaged as a set of web services that exports processed knowledge from the sensor based Knowledge Model Assess. It assures the systems interoperability that is addressed at Sensor network and Data collection server levels. Finally, the company collaborated closely with end users and deployed the solution within their premises. 

M&L Cluster

JUL. 2022 – DEC. 2023

Project short description

A cluster of partners aiming in the Digital Transformation of the Industry, the Creation of a flexible and open reference frame with innovative technologies, services and tools, and a One-stop-shop offering technological solutions.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING is leading the development of a methodological frame for
evaluating the technological maturity level of the consortium members in relation with Industry 4.0. We are also responsible for developing the algorithms related to the analysis and visualization of industry data. Furthermore, ATLANTIS ENGINEERING is leading the efforts for designing and developing the fault detection, fault identification and fault prediction solutions
based on AI and Machine Learning models to achieve zero defect results.


Jan 2024 – Jun 2027

Project short description

Optimization of Data Lifecycles and Data Spaces integration with the use of AI-enabled tools, ensuring data privacy and sovereignty in the healthcare, mobility, industrial, energy and greendeal sectors.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS will participate in Data Space Integration and Data Sharing through the development of AI-enabled Data Space Connectors and Brokers. By adhering to the basic specifications of the IDS Connector, new AI tools will be created to extend the IDS Connector’s functionalities, enabling operation across multiple data spaces while preserving privacy and ensuring secure data sharing. An AI-boosted broker service will be developed, enhanced to facilitate data search and discovery between different data spaces. ATLANTIS is also engaged in the development of cross-domain analytics which aim to improve energy efficiency and sustainability in industrial settings.


JUN. 2022-MAY.2025

Project short description

Manufacturing of a digital value chain, Digital Twins, ensuring of circularity, autonomy, and interoperability of data amongst European Industries, long-term agility, and competitiveness

Our Role:

ATLANTIS participates in the project as Technical Provider, sharing technical knowledge about Industry 4.0 and AI applications and serving the project’s main purpose for data-as-a-product. ATLANTIS is developing services that can be utilized by the Digital Twin models. The services’ development matches the experimental requirements, so that all the solutions can be deployed and demonstrated to special Testing and Experimental Facilities. ATLANTIS background knowledge on Smart Maintenance Procedures will be supporting all the related activities during the life of the project.


DEC.2023 - MAY.2027

Project short description

End-to-end trustworthy and transparent system for Manufacturing offering active and predictive resilience and timely preparedness to disruptive events.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS is developing an IDS connector, that will enable the M4ESTRO system to interface with data sources of the value network actors (i.e., manufactures, suppliers, etc.) as well as the Value Execution Engine that will enable the end user to define the processes involved in a given value chain to be executed. Furthermore, the company will bring its extensive knowledge and experience in multi-level Decision Support System. This service will provide the extensive reasoning to the human operators where through explainable and reasoning output, the end users will be supported notonly on “what to do” but also on “why” making a such activity – decision making.


APR. 2022-DEC.2022

Project short description

Smart and Autonomous robotic solution, successfully disinfection of crowded workplaces, selection, and prioritization of highly used areas.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS is leading the project, planning, and guiding business activities, during the life of the project. In terms of technical results, ATLANTIS is responsible for developing a Decision Support System that will be using activity monitoring data, to assist the robotic vehicle with the prioritization of the disinfecting procedure. Use of human resources is expected to be minimized during disinfecting procedures, avoiding unnecessary health risks for employees. The cutting-edge solutions are further supported (technical and economical) with the guidance of experienced mentors.


Mar 2023 – Feb 2027

Project short description

White-label shop offering digital intelligent assistance solutions which upskill the existing workforce and optimize waste management and quality assurance procedures.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS is involved in the development of AI powered Skills for the Digital Assistant that contribute to the improvement of quality processes. The developed Skills target the unexpected failures of machinery equipment involved in manufacturing and measuring processes, that can impact the quality of the final products. The components can also receive and process procedural textbooks and documents to offer guidance to employees on adhering to standard quality processes. The White-Label Shop development is supported as well, by creating a Federation Module able to perform complex querying amongst the shop’s instances, while ensuring secure data transfer and money transactions.



Project short description

Creation of co-federated digital platform for Circular Economy processes, supply chain shared information, applicable strategies for post-use products.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING SA is responsible for developing a Decision Support System (DSS) for Circular Economy processes and early requirements verification. DSS for CE, is to coordinate and classify incoming information from diverse sources and offer guidance towards choosing the optimal CE solution. Available CE strategies (recycle, reuse etc) are defined by limits and restrictions. The tool provides with easy presentable and ready to exploit results in order to choose the best strategy for the available CE entities. So far, the DSS for CE has been demonstrated in two pilots of the project, highlighting the service’s multidimensional approach.


JAN.2023 – JUN.2026

Project short description

Advance manufacturing with robust and autonomous modular production lines and supply chains to allow low-volume production of new products, as well as capacities to rapidly adapt to unexpected situations and changeable supply chains

Our Role:

ATLANTIS is developing the Digital Assistant (DA), an optimization tool with the capabilities to receive varied inputs (technical, sustainability, conformance) that will support the user in facilitating process chain reconfiguration. Furthermore, the DA will incorporate a risk assessment method based on KRIs to evaluate alternative options and possible decisions in case of disruptions.

Moreover, the company brings its extensive knowledge and experience in Decision Support Systems by developing the multi-level Explainable application that will provide
extensive reasoning on the suggested actions to human operators, integrating a human-centric approach and addressing different levels towards achieving reliable decisions.


OCT. 2019 – OCT. 2023

Project short description

Innovative Protocols and Strategies for extending the useful life, holistic operational and refurbishment framework

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING brings its knowledge and experience in smart and cognitive manufacturing, in Multi-Level DSS, FMECA and Criticality analytics modules as well as in Digital Strategies for maintenance operations. The company leads the strategies design and implementation tasks, while, strong is our presence in the fusion mechanisms for increased accuracy in machinery failure predictions. Furthermore, we have assumed the role of developing and monitoring the Knowledge Management system as well as managing the IPR strategy for exploiting the resulted products to their best advantages.


JUN. 2019-DEC.2023

Project short description

The project aims to create autonomous solutions to
achieve Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) in Food Industry and dairy products, by using smart
sensors, Industry 4.0 tools and AI algorithms, in the Quality Control stage.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS is responsible for creating a Decision Support System (DSS) able to
manage and correlate incoming data by different sensors to decrease the production of faulty products. The DSS will be demonstrated in two Greek dairy industries with great impact on the Hellenic market, to implement proactive measures and ensure the final product quality.
ATLANTIS will be also leading the creation of a unified Flawless solution, able to coordinate thedeveloped sub-systems during the project’s life, to result to a combined final product. Finalgoals are detection of the failures, interpretation of their causes and prevention of future product



Project short description

Competitive share data-driven products for ZDM (Zero Defect Manufacturing) strategies, Industry 4.0 technologies, validated results in 14 pilots.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS developed software service solutions for 3 pilots and contributed to techno economical evaluation. Two algorithms were developed: Remaining Useful Life Estimation (RUL) and Failure Detection and Identification for accurate calculation of the remaining life of industrial equipment, detection and prediction of emerging failures and calculating the deterioration rate of assets. Application of machine learning techniques and development of Decision Support System (DSS) and Strategies for ZDM. Quality Control stage is automated and facilitated by smart suggestions for optimal planning.



Project short description

Digital automation framework that optimizes the manufacturing processes by
exploiting existing data, knowledge and tools to increase productivity and dynamically adapt to changing
market requirements.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS’s role is two-fold. On one hand they are end-user in the supply-chain centric use
case offering their services and products through the COMPOSITION platform. On the other hand, they
act as technology and service provider in the value chain of a use case, offering the Decision Support
component of the Integrated Information Management System (IIMS) as a Software-as-a-Service in. The
DSS will be developed where the data from different stakeholders, sensors, IoT, MES and CMMS will be
combined, so that the interested party will be able to make an informed decision. Finally, ATLANTIS
leads the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation activities.



Project short description

The project’s goal is to monitor and control agro-food product transportation and distribution conditions of dairy products throughout the entire supply chain by utilizing RFID sensors. The acquired data will be processed by cutting-edge software
systems, resulting in an Intelligent Food Safety and Control system capable of extending the indicated consumption duration while enhancing safety.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS is responsible for handling the great amount of data obtained by monitoring key parameters during the storage and transportation of sensitive products. A Decision Support System with self-learning abilities will be developed to utilize the aggregated information provided from the sub-systems, able to provide with recommendations and trigger preventive actions. ATLANTIS is responsible for the creation of an integrated solution and for building a future exploitation plan for the project’s results. Complete solution will be tested and validated by two high profile pilots of the Greek industry Pilots (MEVGAL, MAKIOS), ensuring final product quality.



OCT. 2018-SEPT.2022

Project short description:

Innovative strategies, process Chains optimization for increased Quality, re-configurability, and recyclability of Manufacturing Optoelectronics

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING will develop the Reverse-Supply-Chain for managing defected parts in production and the DSS to support decision making for both flexibility and product quality. Furthermore, the development of HLCM (High Level Communication Middleware) for interfacing with high management systems is part of our tasks. An important aspect of our part lies in evaluating the IQONIC system and exporting trends and values for drawing conclusions on the expected impact and stakeholder’s expectation. We are also responsible for the Knowledge Management and IPR protection activities.



Project short description

Transformation of traditional industrial environments using collaborative and augmented-enabled ecosystem for increasing satisfaction and working experience, in smart factory environment.

Our Role:

ATLANTIS ENGINEERING SA is responsible for developing a Decision Support functionality for filtering out false-alarms triggered from the SatisFactory incident recognition engine with the aim to reduce FAR (false-alarm-rate) using automatic incident verification. The tool will provide some incident response strategies, with focus on incidents related to machine defects and breakdowns, and to degrading of production performance through corroborating detection sources. Finnaly, the aim will be to monitor, in real-time, the evolving production processes, diagnose problems, flaws and malfunctions and re-adapt accordingly the production facilities.


DEC. 2019-APRIL.2023

Project short description

The project aims to create an innovative solution for
Quality Control processes, while heating Health and Safety goals by using self-navigated robotic
vehicles paired with monitoring systems.

Our Role:

Long-term health of the working personnel, especially in domains where body
posture is compromised, is an issue that draws increasing attention.

ALTANTIS is developing a Decision Support System (DSS) to complement the task of body monitoring by evaluating of each person’s posture, DSS eventually provides with notifications when a change is recommended. The DSS solution and the integrated solution has been demonstrated in KLEEMANN’s pilot. ATLANTIS is responsible for designing a business exploitation plan for the complete solution, in order to serve future business-oriented activities.


MAY. 2015 - APR.2017

Project short description

Intelligent maintenance Decision Support System for the industry, mainDSS, represents a disruptive innovative IT solution used to improve the performance of their maintenance department, irrespectively of the industrial sector and plant size.

Our Role:

The mainDSS offers a unique IT system that, using a plug-in approach, dynamically
‘bridges’ with CMMS repositories and builds, piece-by-piece, the current ‘picture’ of the
company’s maintenance performance. ATLANTIS is designing/developing additional
functionality of the current product using models and technologies which advance significantly

the current state of the art in the enterprise asset management domain. Also, the product is to be validated/improved based on the user feedback. Finally, the objective is to develop assets, exploitation channels and structures for paving the way to the envisaged international commercialisation and market replication of mainDSS.


DEC. 2023 – JUL. 2026

Project short description

CODE project aims at fostering the inclusion of people with disabilities by improving their access to financial services. CODE partnership will produce a financial training course based on UDL (Universal Design for Learning) principles and integrated on a learning platform, developed following the highest accessibility standards. The learning material will be supported by a finance management app, created according to the same standards. To grant complete support for the independent living of people with disabilities, general guidelines for the accessibility of the workplace and specific guidelines for financial services will be developed.

Our Role:

Development of an online inclusive platform and mobile app, logo and visual identity, creation of social networks, development of learning material, collaboration and contribution throughout the project.


NOV. 2021 - OCT. 2023

Project short description

The overall purpose of CIRCULAR.rur will be to promote the transfer of innovative CE knowledge and the development of new CE-based business models that respond to the expectations of national and European labor markets and provide new opportunities for activation to face current challenges, fostering more modern and sustainable rural environments, through the intelligent support of rural development professionals to future entrepreneurs in rural Europe.

Our Role:

Atlantis will be responsible for digital development activities, and we will contribute to the implementation of the project.

DGI Tourism

FEB. 2022 - FEB. 2024

Project short description

The DGI TOURISM project seeks to adapt the vocational education and training (VET) offering to the challenges of the digital age and climate change, innovatively accommodating post-Covid travel sector needs that enable a smooth transition towards more sustainable strategies and futureproofing the tourism sector. The main project objective is to promote sustainable thinking in vocational education and training in tourism.

Our Role:

Atlantis will be leading Quality Assurance Activities and will be responsible for the development for the Lean Methodological Framework and the Training Course Delivery.

EthAI Tour

Nov. 2023 – Oct. 2025

Project short description

Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data in Tourism sector

Our Role:

Atlantis is the project coordinator, leading both WP1: Project Management and WP4: Training Course Preparation. Additionally, Atlantis will be responsible for preparing the e-learning training platform.


JUL. 2022 - JUN. 2025

Project short description

Digitalization of the Supply Chain, Innovative capability-building curricula for HE and VET in Digital supply chain management, Development of virtual training scenarios


Our Role:

Analysing the higher education, VET and business needs, development of the virtual training scenarios, assessing the learning experience and leading the commercialization and exploitation activities. Contribution throughout the project.


FEB. 2022 – JAN. 2024

Project short description

The ASD-IncluDi project aims to enhance the teaching and training techniques currently used in special needs education systems, by using specifically developed ICT and IoT tools. The ASD-IncluDi main outcome is the accessibility and inclusion of the students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in distance learning (DL) form of education. The project results are tangible and intangible in awareness raising, knowledge sharing, and experience gaining.

Our Role:

Development of a lightweight semantic map to better formulate the training content, support the quality assurance activities.


NOV. 2022 – OCT. 2024

Project short description

MICR@S wants to provide an INNOVATIVE CROSS-CURRICULAR MODEL based on GAME BASE LEARNING SOLUTION targeting students from 12 to 18 years, which will enable students to learn by doing creating inclusive community cooperative enterprises.

Our Role:

Our role is to provide support in WP2 focusing on the design and implementation of MICR@S learning material and in WP3 focusing on the design and implementation of a MICR@S community cooperative learning game.


FEB. 2022 – FEB. 2024

Project short description

The AMT2P project will create a structured educational framework, starting from the base training methodology, up to the level of developing the training content, and designing digital tools to support the teaching and learning processes, to bridge the skills-gap, and lack of expertise on the operation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) (e.g. 3D printing, robotics), on the plastics sector (PS).

Our Role:

We will be leading Quality Assurance activities and we will collaborate and contribute throughout the project.


JAN. 2022 - DEC. 2023

Project short description

The Regio.Digi.Hub project is a new Erasmus+ project, aiming to offer high-quality educational actions and activities that support the professional activity of the key-actors in the field of regional development and to raise awareness of the workers in the field of regional development about the importance of learning using modern learning systems that incorporate innovation and digitalisation.

Our Role:

We will be leading Quality Assurance activities and we will contribute to the implementation of the project.



Project short description

JoInME is an education-oriented project, inspired by the unstable economic conditions and the unpredictable teaching circumstances created during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project aims to support higher education teachers by providing them with agile teaching tools on the topic of entrepreneurship, to prepare students for the upcoming challenges of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies.

Our Role:

Managing the Quality Assurance procedures, ensuring the quality of the final project results. The company is leading field research to determine the challenges of Industry 4.0/5.0 & AI Technologies.


JAN. 2022 – JUN. 2024

Project short description

AI-driven digital transformation, VET schools, Artificial Intelligence, Prevention and dealing with game addiction, Coding and Video Game development

Our Role:

Development a part of the real-life scenarios and providing information on the EU and National Guides on Artificial Intelligence. Contributing throughout the project.


JUN. 2021 – DEC. 2023

Project short description

The vision of GEOLAND is to establish a learning path for the Higher Education
students and their professors so that they are able to apply their geospatial analysis knowledge in decision-making for landscape management, planning and protection of NATURA 2000 sites across Europe. GEOLAND will focus in promoting digital skills like PPGIS (public participation GIS), low-cost geoinformatics tools and the digital readiness of higher education students in the Covid-19 pandemic era.

Our Role:

Quality Manager, development of the DERT tool, support for the development of the web-based GIS platform, internal and external test plans, project implementation, collaboration and contribution throughout the project.


APR. 2021 – MAR. 2023

Project short description

Q4EDU project aims to support VET institutions in their digitalisation process, not only focusing on online tools, evaluation and examination methods, but also devising a framework to assess the digital readiness at VET level. The central aim of Q4EDU project is to offer a methodology for a quality plan to VET centers and trainers for them to adopt a quality-centric point of view for their services and internal operations, address the issue of digital education readiness, assess training methods’ adaptability and assess the quality of online/distance/blended learning in the post covid-19 era.

Our Role:

Quality Manager, development of training course on infrastructure, collaboration and contribution throughout the project.


NOV. 2020 – OCT. 2022

Project short description

The aim of ENGINE project is to increase the competitiveness of European SMEs by giving them the skills they need to defend themselves against cyber-attacks and boosting blockchain technology use in SMEs. Cyber risk management and assessment are considered as backbones of a secure IT environment. This project wants to improve the cybersecurity management skills of SMEs by filling gaps in SMEs in partner countries and providing a comprehensive guide to foster SMEs exploitation of blockchain and protection from cyber-attacks.

Our Role:

Development of training course on cyber-security and blockchain, support for the development of the e-learning platform, project implementation, collaboration and contribution throughout the project.


NOV. 2020 – JAN. 2023

Project short description

1Point project aims to transform a standard quality assurance method and
information security process used in the industry into a creative and innovative training methodology for the VET sector. Our focus is the training of future maintenance professionals in order to improve IT skills, foster employability and develop innovative thinking. The training course will be designed in accordance with high quality VET standards in order to meet the labour market needs.

Our Role:

Development of training methodology and practical guidelines for trainers, internal and external test plans, Exploitation Manager, reviews, collaboration and contribution throughout the project.


JAN. 2020 – OCT. 2023

Project short description

DTAM project aims to create and provide innovative curricular training (reskilling and upskilling opportunities) in digital transformation competences for the advanced manufacturing sector (AM), for mid-high level IT and OT technicians at EQF Levels 4-5 +. Training modules covering: Big Data, Machine Learning, Sensors, Cyber-security, and Transversal Competences. The integral DTAM curriculum will prepare: ICT, Robotics and Automation technicians.

Our Role:

We will be leading the following activities: Development of the e-learning platform, lead the development of the ML training material, design, set up and run the project website.


OCT. 2020 - SEPT. 2023

Project short description

Main objective of the project is innovation. The general objective of AgriCoopValue is to apply a unified social accounting system for agri-food cooperatives within a favourable framework throughout Europe, in order to monetise their social value and determine their multiplying capacity within rural environments of the European Union.

AgriCoopValue will meet the need of the European agri-food sector of an effective method to measure all the impacts (economic, social and environmental) that its industry produces, adapted to the idiosyncrasy of its sector and to the peculiarities of 5 subsectors: dairy, meat, fruit and vegetables, wine and olive oil.

Our Role:

Development of the project website, logo and e-learning platform, creation and management of social networks, development of newsletters and videos of results, collaboration and contribution throughout the project.


SEP. 2020 – JAN. 2023

Project short description

The goal of FINMAN project is to provide financial education to the most disadvantaged people, who need this knowledge the most, before making major financial decisions and support them in order to make the ones which are the best for each one individually. For that reason, we intend to develop learning content, assessment tools and a trainer’s guide based on the identified knowledge gaps and skills needed.

Our Role:

Development of the project website and training course on cybersecurity, support for the development of the e-learning platform, collaboration and contribution throughout the project.


OCT. 2017 - SEP. 2019

Project short description

Building digital competency in small and medium-sized businesses with Free and Open-Source Software. The aim is the development of a free online educational resource for managers and staff of European SMEs to equip them with the skills and competences to properly use Free and Open-Source Software and improve their digital performances and competitiveness.

Our Role:

Development of the project web site and e-learning platform, collaboration, and contribution throughout the project.


OCT. 2018 - SEP. 2020

Project short description

Within the project FAME (Fostering the adoption of ICT-enabled Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) by European SMEs), the project develops an innovative training framework comprising a modular training course along with online and conventional training materials to help SMEs adopt advanced manufacturing techniques.  Also, the project delivers an open, all-inclusive training program for instructor led training, remote e-Learning and knowledge retention and delivery tools.

Our Role:

Quality Assurance activities, collaboration, and contribution throughout the project.