As we look back, the story of Atlantis begins 25 years ago, in the city of Thessaloniki, when two engineers, Cosmas Vamvalis and George Effraimidis, joined their dreams and their forces! Atlantis so far continues to develop innovative software solutions and digital tools for asset and machine maintenance, with a presence in 10 countries, including the Middle East market.
In an atmosphere of joy and excitement, the Atlantis team celebrated this long journey, at the Hyatt Regency Casino under the moonlight and accompanied by live music, along with beloved partners and friends as well as distinguished customers, fellows, and supporters.
The CEO of Atlantis, Cosmas Vamvalis prefaced the event and shared with his “partner in crime” George Effraimidis their common vision in the field of Maintenance, which at the very beginning seemed a rather bold and unknown step for the Greek context.
Afterwards, George Effraimidis narrated moments from the first steps as well as difficulties that passed through all these years, while he mentioned the technological “children” of Atlantis, AIMMS from which the story begins and SIBYL, the Maintenance 4.0 platform.
Invoking the saying of Pericles, that no citizen can be happy in a society that does not thrive, George Effraimidis also referred to the initiatives undertaken by Atlantis, in order to return things to society, such as the “Maintenance Forum”, an annual conference which started in 2003 and today is a meeting point for all people in the industry.
Moreover, George Effraimidis mentioned the “footprint” of the “Hellenic Maintenance Society”, an initiative that “embraces” and supports all people involved in maintenance, wherever they come from, technicians in the field, consulting, suppliers, university researchers, etc.
At the same time, this anniversary party was framed with a particularly inspiring speech by Tolis Lerios, Atlantis’ mentor in technological and business matters, also known as the first Greek Olympian in Informatics, who has more than 30 patents and awards in the USA.
We are immensely grateful for our exceptional team, loyal customers, partners and supporters. Their trust has played a vital role in our growth and our accomplishments and we could nοt have reached this significant milestone without them!
Here’s to many more years of success and lots of celebrations!